week 34 \\ 2015

kinda riding the same wave from last Wednesday’s word..

Short story made shorter for the sake of blogging: I have a friend who is also an artist. She’s been making jewelry since before I knew her and it’s lovely. Anyhoo, she posted this:

If your friend has a business, you should be the first customer. If you friend has an idea, you should be their #1 supporter. And if you’re not, then you’re not a real friend. 

I compleeeetely agree with this! And I love her work, but realized the only piece of hers I own she’d gifted to me [as opposed to me seeking her out + making a custom request.] So, naturally after this realization, I got some of her shit! Duh. I’ve had friends with some dumbass ideas. Crazy, sideeye, illogical crap ideas. I took the time to hear why they wanted to do this or that. And even if the mess still didn’t make sense after the explanation, I had their back. It’s their life, after all. Not mine. So I was right there with my pompoms and megaphone rooting them on. That’s what friends do.

For one, it doesn’t cost a damn thing to show support. If you’re an artist as well, swap a piece with your artist friend. Utilize your social media account[s] to expose their idea/project/brand to your subscribers and followers. Blog about it. Ask how it’s going or how you can assist. Be there. Word of mouth goes a long way, too.

It’s baffling how “friends” brag about their new $20 MAC lipgloss, know every move Rihanna makes or posts the latest scandals in pop culture, yet suddenly become deaf or disappear when you bring up a new goal. Granted most people are not real friends. Some never were. Others just don’t love themselves enough to ever be a good friend. But appreciate and hold tight to those who are; you’re lucky to have them. And support those who you may not consider a friend [or even know personally] if you follow their vision and want to see them grow + succeed.

P.S. You can hit up my jewelry-making magician friend on instagram and Facebook

2 thoughts on “week 34 \\ 2015

  1. “If you friend has a business, you should be the first customer. If you friend has an idea, you should be their #1 supporter. And if you’re not, then you’re not a real friend. ”
    This goes back to an earlier post you made about people sucking. This is how I weed out who is real and who isn’t. Real friends are the ones who support everything that you do. I only have a few of them and I love them to death for it.

    Liked by 1 person

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