Black Every Friday: Marcellous Lovelace

Knowledge Update It's Your Job to Love Your People
Knowledge Update It’s Your Job to Love Your People

Marcellous Lovelace‘s creations are raw, emotional, and thought-provoking. Each one unmasks the harsh realities of being Black in the white, patriarchal society of America. I don’t have many words for his artwork; it visibly speaks volumes on its own.

Black Girl Yo Hair is a Revolution
Black Girl Yo Hair is a Revolution
Oil Pick to Comb Natural
Oil Pick to Comb Natural
Your Race They Money
Your Race They Money
Hands Up in a Prison System
Hands Up in a Prison System

Find, follow + support Marcellous’ briliance on tumblrsociety6 | instagram | facebook

Black We Are Today Escape Fakeville
Black We Are Today Escape Fakeville
Not Property on Stolen Land
Not Property on Stolen Land

13 thoughts on “Black Every Friday: Marcellous Lovelace

        1. Thank you again. This is a great essay! I found the parts on the evidence of Ethiopians in America before Indians and Columbus very interesting as well as the origins of the zodiac.

          Very cool. You can’t deny the facts.

          Liked by 1 person

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