week 36 || 2016: racism is no compliment

From the collection: How it Feels to be African and American

via Racism is No Compliment — Joy Josephs

15 thoughts on “week 36 || 2016: racism is no compliment

  1. I don’t understand why people say things like that. A friend said people always tell her she’s not ‘like other Jews.’ What’s that supposed to mean? You’re not like other women, other feminists, other anything. Are they saying we aren’t like the stereotypes of EVERYTHING they make up in their own minds?

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  2. My husband is from Iran – when we first married, people would tell me, “He’s so nice! Especially because you know how Iranian men are!” The hardest thing is decided whether to reply, & if so, what to say.

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  3. Growing up in a predominately white neighborhood, I talk very proper. One day I was at school (college) & this Mexican guy says “what are you mixed with?” I said “Nothing. I’m black” he was so shocked & he took a minute to collect himself because apparently this blew his mind & he said “Wow. You’re not like..” & he points to a black woman on the phone yelling in the hallway.. Kinda wanted to punch him in his face. Thank you for this post.

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