Our Voices. Our Lives.-WOMAN

For much too long, we have been silenced. Shown and told how to feel. How to be. What to think. Ofttimes by people who don’t have our best interest in mind, who don’t even know us. Who would probably kill themselves attempting to walk in our shoes for an hour. But, for some odd reason, we always let them. Cause a stir when they do mock, devalue and cloak us with negative stereotypes …yet beg the same vultures for equality and a listening ear.


We have voices. Quippy, strong, passionate, intelligent, inspiring, hopeful voices that deserve to be heard. And for US, no one else.

I’m always proud to see US openly + candidly telling OUR stories. We need more spaces like this.

10 thoughts on “Our Voices. Our Lives.-WOMAN

say somethin