melanin pop

A few too many ass references, but I’m still over here poppin!

14 thoughts on “melanin pop

  1. This song is fire! Its unbelievably catchy. “I love the way your melanin pop” …I might have to incorporate this into my vocabulary!

    I am glad you pointed out all the ass references. I mean … sex is and should be fun, so its not a problem to talk about. But these pornographic lyrics take on a different form when it comes to black women. We are haunted by the ghost of slavery. Black folks were reduced to flesh for the uses and abuses of the master. Racism is always already sexualized violence. Some lyrics be reminding me of the auction block ; where the masters stripped black women (and men) naked and praised their curves as a sign of fertility and ability to give pleasure. (not to imply that this is not evident in non-black communities, it certainly is!) It seems as if every time I hear about black women in music she is commodified somehow. I agree with Dr. Garland that even the most conscious fall into this cycle. Tupac wrote a poem about Jada Pinkett Smith and said “you make me climax without sex” and wrote Brenda’s Got a Baby and Keep Ya Head Up – but then later in his music, as his career advanced, we get some over the top sexualization lyrics. Where do we draw the line, so to speak?

    This sexualization is only “acceptable” when its a man talking about a woman. If we turn the tables, it becomes scandalous, right? Have you heard Lil Kim’s first album .. from 1996? She has all types of lyrics talking about her sexual escapades and her enjoyment performing sexual acts on men. Is that problematic? I don’t necessarily think so. It gets complicated. People dismiss her as a sleez-bag for lyrics like that but … is that a “sexual liberation” we should be endorsing? Condemning? Both? Or is it “just music” ?

    It’s amazing that we can point out the flaws in these songs but still jam out to them! lol

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    1. Thank you for your feedback! I always love seeing your face in my place. And you make some great points.

      I twerk on commercial breaks and in the car, but I also read nonfiction and binge on Nat Geo. It’s about balance lol! Whatever that may be to the individual. I like some highly inappropriate songs that I’d be embarrassed if my parents heard! But I also really enjoy a sweet song that is just expressing a woman’s beauty, which, to many, includes the ass. I’m not mad at it!

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