Being Black is Fascinating

19 thoughts on “Being Black is Fascinating

        1. haaaa did you watch tho? It honestly takes a lot for me to sit down and watch a movie these days! Especially in theaters. I think the last movie I saw was Moana? Or Get Out? And Moana cost me $2 hehe!

          Anyway, what made you ask if I’d seen it?

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          1. Yeah I did. It has its moments…i noticed that was Jessica Williams in the video. Never heard of her until I seen her new movie on Netflix. I like her vibe and she’s really cute.

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  1. I am truly fascinated by our resilience amidst so much hatred, bigotry, racism and prejudice. All of this would have failed a weaker group of people! Long live my fascinating brothers and sisters!

    Thanks for sharing Kelley!

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