Body Permitted — (a repost)

Reserving our bodies solely for sex is over-sexualizing We are emotionally and on occasion physically naked In front of our lovers, relatives and friends We understand our bodies serve a purpose As we understand that clothing sometimes doesn’t At times when I wear jeans I know that my legs are in a prison Being punished […]

via Body Permitted —
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4 thoughts on “Body Permitted — (a repost)

  1. It is a sad ass fact that we are always perceived as too something, but we are never seen as ‘just right’ to ourselves. If we could only stop wishing that we had false images of perfection as in those ‘hollywood’ slut types, not to mention, porn stars to strive for then we’d realize that we are chasing plastic surgery, Botox injections and other ridiculous nonsense and that we’d all be the better for not striving for that mess.

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