week 42: Be At Peace With the Decisions You Made (a repost)

I am so guilty of hanging onto things. I can rework a scenario 1000x in my mind.. but we all know there is no going back to actually change the situation. How does that serve me? So instead of sitting in that guilt, pain or regret (all stagnating emotions, btw), I learn to live with it.


Don’t keep killing yourself. Be at peace with the decisions you’ve made in life. As a result, you can transform into the person you are meant to be. Making Decisions Sucks Some decisions make us feel fastened into life’s seat belt unable to move. Indecisive, and fearful the next wrong decision may bring you……

Give the original author some love via Be At Peace With the Decisions You Made — Relationships Etcetera

7 thoughts on “week 42: Be At Peace With the Decisions You Made (a repost)

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