Dear Ladies, Please Stop Trying to Lose Weight (a repost)— The Eye Wall

TO THE LADIES OUT THERE, I’d like to challenge you to STOP TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. That’s right, YOU HEARD ME. Let go of all the diets, the weight loss pills, the Lap-Bands, etc. Just stop it. You’ve been through enough of this crap already–the constant pressure to fit a certain image sold to you by corporate […]

Now, I agree with this entire post, but if losing weight is part of your journey to better health, then by all means…

Please show the original post some love 👉🏾 via Dear Ladies, Please Stop Trying to Lose Weight — The Eye Wall

12 thoughts on “Dear Ladies, Please Stop Trying to Lose Weight (a repost)— The Eye Wall

  1. It’s a good article but what the hell…I agree with you….Currently been on Weight Watchers for the past 3.5 months and I have never felt better. I’m not trying to fit into an image. I’m striving for my best health as I get older and properly fit back into my cute dresses under my closet. What’s wrong with that?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! Mental, physical and spiritual health go hand in hand. And a healthy looking body in a well-fitting outfit can definitely boost a lady’s confidence.

      Good for you, sis!

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  2. I lost weight two years ago because I was in an FWB. The guy was a fitness trainer so he help me, to lose the weight and get my motivation going because I catch feelings for him. Now, after I moved to a new place and a few bad relationships later, I gained all the weight back and then some. When I was a size 11, I was full of myself and my confidence was at a all time high, because hell, I could get “any guy” I want. Now, I’m a size 16 back again, feeling unmotivated, with my confidence and self-esteem on the floor. I’m not planning on going to lose weight again, because they have to accept me the way that I am, with flaws and everything. I’m too old to fit to try to fit into a size 11 again.

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    1. Omay, thanks for sharing your testimony! I think confidence, self-love and self-esteem trump everything, so if you can find yourself happy in your size and headspace, you’re winning! Best of luck to you.


  3. Although I agree, for the most part, I still don’t believe a man should be suggesting to women what to do or not do with her body. But I applaud the approach to teach women to love themselves. Fitting the prototype of what a “woman” should look like is never a good message.

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      1. You’re exactly correct, Kelley. We–or, in this case, specifically women—were meant to be different shapes and sizes. The only thing we should be concerned with is making intentional self-care and maintenance a lifestyle and culture in our households. How your body turns out is just how your body turns out, and, if it’s not matching some image of what a woman is “supposed” to look like, it, in no way, distracts from the beauty of that woman.

        One Love,
        The Stormy Poet


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