Blogging Challenge Day 20: Hobbies I Want to Get Into

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I’ve had the same main hobbies for years: drawing, writing and reading; I just wasn’t passionate enough about the fleeting ones, but I also think that if something keeps popping up from the back burner to the front, it’s something to explore.

One of those back burner thoughts is photography. As a suuuper amateur, I already enjoy it and am pretty good at it, I just need to upgrade from my phone camera, make time to practice and possibly discover a niche.

Another is DJing; I’ve taken classes and enjoyed myself so much that I “graduated” before I looked at the cost of investing in solid equipment. Even secondhand, most DJing tools are pretty pricey but I do plan to revisit that hobby, maybe in my next chapter.

Speaking of next chapters, gardening is another hobby I’ve given a lot of thought; I will have to allot some time to learn the basics and just start, but I feel like I don’t have the time nor the space right now. Gardening may have to wait until I’m older and retired, sitting on my cool gardening stool on my land just outside of town. I might just fly Marquessa out to teach me her ways or let my sister start hers and steal from her garden. We’ll see.

Lastly, I want to start painting again. I had weird breaks in sixth grade due to a year-round schedule and that gave me plenty of alone time to paint, draw, read and bake. But my passion for the paintbrush ignited and fizzled within a school year. I wouldn’t say I was any good, but painting was fun.

Are you hoping to start a new hobby? Has coronatime given you more space for the things you enjoy?

11 thoughts on “Blogging Challenge Day 20: Hobbies I Want to Get Into

  1. I’ll fly out for free! 😄 I’m seriously thinking about creating a “living wall” in my kitchen instead of breaking it down for an open concept I had in mind. My next hobby? Pole dancing. 😂😂😂. I’m semi-kidding. One of characters teaches and I need to research.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love living walls! They are so beautiful!
      Pole dancing, although I haven’t tried it, looks difficult yet fun! I know it will get your core so strong!

      And I will hold you to that offer 😉


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