Live More

I’ve seen a few articles written about this woman, Carolyn Doelling, and I get why she’s receiving all this attention.

I’m inspired because she is a retiree who became a fashion model for the first time in her 70s and continues to live her life to the fullest⏤setting and smashing goal after goal in spite of her age. Many mature women don’t get much public recognition for their greatness. Media/Hollywood is quite ageist, so it is refreshing to see a little light shine on someone doing her thing who isn’t in their 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s.

Too often, we⏤especially women⏤are encouraged to look at least ten years younger than we are and every ad reminds us that we’re getting old and that we should do all we can to fight nature. And even while we’re young (in digits), we are expected to do all the things and be all the things while looking youthful and happy. Going too hard gives you wrinkles! It’s a scam!

I get trying to look your best, but if we’re fortunate enough and play our cards right, we’ll get really freaking old and be healthy enough to enjoy it. In my book, feeling good will always trump looking younger. And the little, priceless things that leave a fond memory are what adds up to a fulfilling life.

And Carolyn is proving just that.

There is no reason for us to fear joining the old lady gang, and whether or not we plan for personal greatness into our dotage, there is still life to be lived e v e r y d a y. All we have is time.

I thought today, a Sunday and the first day of spring, would be the perfect day to share Carolyn’s story of fulfilling goals and going out on limbs; as life blossoms around us, I’m motivated to not only set personal and professional goals, but to also live fearlessly by welcoming old age the meantime.

What about you?

Enjoy reading more of Carolyn’s story here.

14 thoughts on “Live More

  1. I love your post, and especially this “In my book, feeling good will always trump looking younger.” This is exactly what I’m talking about in my post today. And thank you for sharing the article about Carolyn, it’s really inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This post was right on time, as I was reviewing some things about living life to the fullest. I know a woman like Carolyn Doelling who is doing just that and I admire her for it. 🙂 This is so true that we are our best when we feel our best. One of the beautiful things in life is as long as you feel happy and comfortable with yourself that inner beauty, that inner glow, will always show no matter how old you are or what you look like on the outside. Thanks for sharing this piece of inspiration. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! I agree that all of the pressure is on us to look good, look young, and handle everything. It’s a joke. Do your best and do what you can to live a healthy lifestyle is what I think lol. This is awesome for her. I have to go check out her story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand. And really, what else can we do besides accept it?

      I will tell you, the ones I’ve encountered who refuse to embrace it, at least some of the physical changes, end up looking a FOOL if they can afford the surgery.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. An excellent and inspiring article, Kelley.
    Carolyn is a role model.
    I went over and read the page. In some ways I relate to her.
    Several years ago did an article about how bad I felt about aging. I’m in my 60’s in the article.
    I have found worth in my creativity, and am moved on to my next fabulous phase of life….NOT my “invisible” phase of life.
    Thank you so much for this article!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Kelley,
        Thank you!
        I was having fun because I was in an empowered moment.
        Our N.A. society does not allow much propers to old people. That should change. Folk wisdom certainly doesn’t come from the beautiful, desirable young.
        I’m happy you read the article.
        Again, thank you!!

        Liked by 1 person

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