Shop “Safe”

(a sort of addendum to last week’s post) As a small business supporter and small business owner, this SHOP SAFE Act is troubling. In gist, the bill is meant to hold online marketplaces accountable when they sell counterfeits. My understanding is that the individual sellers (no matter where you sell online!) have to bear the […]

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week fifty: How Entrenched Are Brand Names In Our Lives — Edge of Humanity Magazine (a repost)

In the top 100 Google searches, which in by itself depicts Americans’ interests, you will find the daily necessities such as: weather ranking #8, news #16, 45, 87, calculator #22, timer #97 and restaurants #85. Education related searches ranks #14, 17, 25, 30, 58, 76 while entertainment & sports #40, 51, 53, 64, 94, […]

Just a follow up to last week’s post. I quite enjoy social media and modern technical conveniences, BUT they have their place. Please take a read via How Entrenched Are Brand Names In Our Lives — Edge of Humanity Magazine

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Orchestrated snaps.. (a repost)

You look from the outside in yearning for what they have But you don’t see the cracks papered over with tissue paper You don’t hear the lies they tell each other or the facts they fail to mention You just see the smiling faces in orchestrated snaps and insta stories Friendships based on common enemies […]

via Orchestrated snaps.. — Breathe Think Write Release

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Fake Luxury

I’ve never spent more than $100 on a pair of shoes before so I find this so ridiculous! Yet funny. Funny because who said it’s luxury? What makes a brand or an item luxurious?Granted, some things are made with better materials and style, buuuuuttt there are stores (including Payless!) and brands that are affordable (to me) […]

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week thirteen: Put The Idols Down… (a repost)— Nickkie&Co.



I was just having a conversation about people vying for attention and longing for connections, but instead of building and maintaining real, in-the-flesh relationships, they opt for more followers. More accounts to subscribe to. More thumbs ups, stars and hearts. “Social” media has created a virtual reality, a false sense of connectivity and the constant, unnatural desire for validation.

Social media is the reason why I haven’t finished the two books I’ve been reading since December! I live a lot of my life outside of the screen and I have chosen this week to slow down, but I neeeeeeeeeeded this reminder. 

Show the original post some love!! 👉🏾 Put The Idols Down… — Nickkie&Co.

We entertain all the things in life other than the things that matter. Today, we need to start to making an effort to take breaks from the distractions and focus on the things that truly matter…






photo source; no copyright infringement intended.
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