week twenty

What’s your contribution? Years ago, I heard this question on a short film. I hate that I can’t remember where exactly, but it was asked in the context of basically, what are you doing for someone besides yourself? Take your job, for instance; many of us wouldn’t go to work if we weren’t getting paid, right? […]

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You are the heaven and the earth.(a repost) — blackexperience

God is you, God is in you. You are the God you have been waiting for. Your faith is nor good until you start believing in yourself. How can you believe in somebody in the sky when you do not believe in you. Rev. Ike Have faith in your intuitions, if you expect the worst […]

via You are the heaven and the earth. — blackexperience

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week one: just do it

Charlotte Simpson, aka Traveling Black Widow, travels the world—often solo— and appears to be in her 60s. Her photos beg the question: what’s your excuse? I’ve been subscribed to her for a few months now and she is a constant inspiration to just go for it! Not only is she an inspiration to travel and […]

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C.O.M.B: Your Hair (a repost)

I love this perfect acronym! I am all for personal style expression, but I’m even more for helping a brother or sister realize their ultimate, natural beauty. And the magic within our manes! Check out and subscribe! C.O.M.B: Your Hair — MINDSIGHTCOLLECTIVE I am going to break down the science bit using the acronym C.O.M.B: Coils, […]

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