Small Business Saturday: Earbuds

With my new, shorter-than-ever haircut, I’m pretty much obliged to rock huge earrings. Plus my recent jewelry purge made me realize that I had a lot of boring pairs! Some too small, others a lil dated, and a few made me question why I ever spent any money on them.

So, continuing on my crusade to buy small and buy Black [and local when I can], I just wanted to share some of my latest and greatest finds.I don’t know how, where, when or how I discovered Peace Images, but it’s an amazing brand. Very earthly, beautiful designs-wearable art from the heart. Soon as I get my money right, I’m buying up the entire site!!




Rachel Stewart‘s page was suggested to me when I had Facebook and BOOM-I was instantly enamored. You know it’s real when you can’t decide what you want to buy cuz you want it allllll! Funky, chunky, colorful and fresh, she really has a signature aesthetic. I absolutely LOVE her stuff! [P.S. there’s a sale going thru February 5th!]


I was introduced to Beads by Aree by a friend on the gram.. but it’s SO much more than beads! A quick scan thru her feed and I was like ok, this is something very cool and special. Majestic and soulful and happy are a few words that I feel describe these amazing, imaginative beauties.




My trusty Etsy always always comes thru! A search on the site results Alii Fuerza and her lovely collection of badass, innovative jewelry. Featuring Malcolm X, 2Pac, and Che Guevara, Alii’s gems make such a statement without you having to say a word. [Perfectly fitting for Black History Month, no?]fts

Again, I was hunting for a certain something when I came upon Green Tree Jewelry on Etsy.They specialize in eco-friendly, wooden laser cut earrings. Suuuper lightweight and charming, they have everything you can think of to sport on your ears-from animals and plants to cityscapes and everything in between.



Even if you’re not all gungho on buying Black or small or local, you have to admit that these unique brands are kind of dope, right! Regardless, I’m excited that they exist and that I can share them with you.


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week 4 \\ 2015

Sooo, two things you most likely know already: 1. Dating kinda sucks; 2. Every ONE isn’t the one. I’ve been thru my share of hell dates, amazing dates, jokers, heartache, buttholes, stress and doubt, but nothing compares to that omg-omg-bursting-at-the-seams-of-my-entire-being-love that makes kissing a few frogs so worth it. I’ve experienced it so I know […]

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week 3 \\ 2015

I read this awesome quote the other day that really resonated with me. It went something like: If you’re gonna get paid and still be broke, why not get paid to do something you LOVE and be broke?? I mean if you’re gonna be broke anyway. I think this makes perfect sense. Just some food […]

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week 2 \\ 2015

Too many times I have ignored my gifts-oppositely working as a restaurant hostess [I’m not that friendly], in retail [], customer service [I don’t eve like people], caring for other people’s kids [the only kid I like is my nephew], hanging signs and changing mannequins [department stores and their customers are the devil], at a […]

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2000 Watts

Hey hey hey! Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season has been amazing and memorable. I know mine was!! I had a big birthday [nerdy 30] and was blessed enough to get away and enjoy it with some real ones in my home city of Los Angeles. Instead of revisiting my favorite go-to eateries […]

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