Programming.. (a repost)

Are your thoughts or reasons or actions really your own?

Polluted airwaves spreading propaganda and hate, programs programming us, reporting the news they choose Why don’t they tell you about all the good deeds and news Why? Because it goes against their agenda plus bad news gets more views, right Screen zombies what a sight.. a new generation ready and ripe for the picking It’s […]

via Programming.. — Breathe Think Write Release

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week 38: Relationships are like flowers.. (a repost)

Relationships are like flowers, if you do not water them they will not grow. They take constant work and pruning, the moment you decide to sit back and get comfortable is the moment you start to starve your relationship of the vital ingredients it needs to grow and flourish. As a society we’ve almost accepted […]

You water me; I water you. It could all be so simple.. Please show the original blog some love 👉🏾 via Relationships are like flowers.. — Breathe Think Write Release

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My Cup of Tea

How sweet is this?! My goodness. Donate to help with their medical expenses if you feel so moved. Thanks for sharing their story and expounding on what true love looks like, Jay. This gave me all the feels.  ❤

Read more "My Cup of Tea"