Fake Luxury

I’ve never spent more than $100 on a pair of shoes before so I find this so ridiculous! Yet funny. Funny because who said it’s luxury? What makes a brand or an item luxurious?Granted, some things are made with better materials and style, buuuuuttt there are stores (including Payless!) and brands that are affordable (to me) […]

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You are the heaven and the earth.(a repost) — blackexperience

God is you, God is in you. You are the God you have been waiting for. Your faith is nor good until you start believing in yourself. How can you believe in somebody in the sky when you do not believe in you. Rev. Ike Have faith in your intuitions, if you expect the worst […]

via You are the heaven and the earth. — blackexperience

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week seventeen

I think the only reason someone is jealous is because she has failed to create a fulfilling life. She thinks of and views herself in a state of lack. Anyone doing “it” or having “it” is competition instead of inspiration, a rival instead of a teacher. Healthy admiration is normal; being unpleasant toward someone because […]

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How to Train Your Heart (a repost)

Be vulnerable 2. After you feel safe. 3. Live in the moment. 4. Live in love. 5. Bottle all good memories 6. Sniff often. 7. Teach your heart to dance 8. Let it be still 9. Regularly feel around for tears. 10. Repair them. 11. Remember that ‘art’ is part of heart and […]

❤ via How to Train Your Heart — Better For That

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week sixteen

My mom used to tell me “sorry is a sorry word”, meaning don’t tell me, show me you’re sorry and don’t so that shit again!. That stuck with me.  One thing I despise is the hackneyed term “sorry”. It’s used when another patron and I reach for the same item at the store. I’ve heard […]

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