Dear Ladies, Please Stop Trying to Lose Weight (a repost)— The Eye Wall

TO THE LADIES OUT THERE, I’d like to challenge you to STOP TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. That’s right, YOU HEARD ME. Let go of all the diets, the weight loss pills, the Lap-Bands, etc. Just stop it. You’ve been through enough of this crap already–the constant pressure to fit a certain image sold to you by corporate […]

Now, I agree with this entire post, but if losing weight is part of your journey to better health, then by all means…

Please show the original post some love 👉🏾 via Dear Ladies, Please Stop Trying to Lose Weight — The Eye Wall

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week 41 \\ 2015

one day you’ll learn to love your body without apologizing to men for being shapeless for carrying thunder thighs for having small breasts. one day you’ll learn that you’re not an unfinished poem you are woman. a completion. an entire galaxy. [Karen Owusu] photo cred: Mambu Bayoh ❤

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