not bitter, just black

for the black men who don’t love black women because she’s angry maybe because her footsteps are a sin and her breath is a crime. she can’t express without a dagger thrown her direction and here you come telling her to smile and she has to decide if she wants to be brazen or be […]

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Melanin Poppin

How sweet is this?! I was going to say that this is a great reminder to youth that they control their destiny, their emotions and that no one can define them unless they allow—but this is a great reminder to us all. ❤

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Skin and Sun

I am the product of centuries of women who have learned to tend to their own backs with their own oiled hands and their own split black knuckles and their own yellow palms. I am from a line of women who have evolved mouths that slow kiss honey even after a full body burn. I […]

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