
“Black women are the most unprotected women in America, the most disrespected women in America, and the most neglected person in America.”-Malcolm X

No one loves, appreciates, uplifts or advocates Black women more than Black women.. so, here I am.

42 thoughts on “about

  1. Dear Kelley,

    As a suggestio if you live in the somewhere in the USA , try to provide yourself this book (if it is not done yet). Title : The united independent compensatory code system and concept a textboook workbook for thought speech and or action for victims of racism (white supremacy). via http://www.producejustice.com
    May this work be fully constructive for you in terms of understanding. As it has been and remain for me THE BOOK,
    Quote from Mr Neely Fuller Jr : “if you don’t understand white supremacy(racism) what it is how it works evertything else that you understand will only confuse you.”

    In The Production Of Justice.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We need more black women like you in the world, we need women unafraid to face their femininity and their blackness and to question and challenge abuse and misconceptions about the black female. Ke a leboga, Asante Sana and Thank you for your blog, may it empower many daughters of the black baby sling

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Kelley, I wanted to invite you to write for the next independent book I’m going to edit. It’s based on father-daughter relationships. Do you have an email I can send it to so you can determine if you can or want to participate?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. it’s so comforting finding fellow black women in the bloggersphere speaking their truth. because in a world which trie to steal our voice, documenting in words is one of the most powerful things we can do. so happy to have stumbles across your world here, and excited to be a new addition to your little community you have going on here.

    elaine 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Elaine! Welcome and I’m elated that you find my blog worthwhile. I’ve learnt to quit complaining about other races and even our brothers shaming our name and shutting down conversations that need to be had. I’m just doing my part!

      Many thanks to you! I look forward to your feedback.


  4. So, I was checking out some of the people you follow yesterday because I love what you write about, and I stumbled upon a blogger with a post that disturbed me. I am all about equality and having a voice, but some voices need to be hushed because they are offensive to the well-being of man-kind as a whole, for example, Donald Trump, please check out this post https://aladyhoodjourney.wordpress.com/2017/02/02/call-me-a-f-lover/ I would love your feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

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