Meditation > Detention

We’ve all seen a “problem” child in action and know he can get out of hand; and if you’re an educator [bless you!], that’s just a day in the life. You may have even calculated how hard of a slap would send her flying across the room. But… jail. Really, you can’t even get mad at them because they’re children and, although some know better, behavior is a reflection of their environment and their parents’ parenting, or lack thereof. Kids just express their frustrations, anxiety, sadness and insecurities the best way kids know how. And in school, nobody is listening so they’re being conditioned to just be quiet and accept their punishment. You don’t have to be a psychology major to understand what that can do to a child’s spirit.

Meditation is an excellent tool to regain calmness and a sense of control; it should be used more frequently as such instead of just an alternative to detention.

article via Students at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore aren’t sent to detention when they misbehave. Instead, they go to the Mindful Moment Room. Kids who are sent to the Mindful Moment Room are encouraged to practice deep breathing and meditation practices while surrounded by purple pillows, lamps and other decorations. What’s more, while they are there, […]

via Baltimore Elementary School Successfully Replaces Detention with Meditation — GOOD BLACK NEWS

24 thoughts on “Meditation > Detention

  1. This is a great idea. Teachers go through too much in this country. It’s a thankless job that should be praised. But instead we (as a country) constantly praise celebrities.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It really takes a special person, as teachers go into the field to actually teach-not for fame, accolades or money. I always say teachers should be making pro athlete salaries. Or at least as much as neurosurgeons.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Very interesting! I am always happy to see schools moving away from the strict disciplinarian policies. I am glad to see that some districts are starting to question the wisdom of punishment.

    This should certainly be applied at a more macro level as we need to re-think the role that prison has in our society, as well. Therapy programs are much more effective! Thanks for this piece =D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome! Thanks for tuning in.

      I agree that certain actions warrant punishment, but many don’t. I was a peer mediator in school and the program was effective! Sometimes kids just need a listening ear or to take a breather. How can we expect them to behave + concentrate on their work if they’re frustrated and bubbling over with emotion?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly Kelley! If adults can barely handle themselves when emotions are overtaking them, how can we expect kids to do so? Especially when their cognitive skills/abilities are not nearly as developed as ours. The scale of their needs should be tipping over from peaceful forms of intervention – not aggressive disciplinary action.

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