racist commandments

racismBe a quiet racist, you don’t make enough money to irritate the minorities and interrupt my systemic capitalism.
Be a good racist, gloat about how much you helped the homeless black man and neglect to tell the public how many times you called him a poor nigger on your way home.
Be a devout racist, acquire black friends to hide your agenda and then quietly stand by while they are murdered in the streets.
These are your racist commandments, please abide by the rules as listed to ensure we do not make an “example” out of you. We must do our part in coercing a body of people racism does not exist,
Repeat after me: racism does. not. exist.
Racism does. not. exist.
To those it does not affect…
We will stand by and collect a check from the same people we oppress, but repeat after me racism does. not. exist.
We will enroll them to fight our wars, build our nations and care for our children,
We will slaughter, steal, oppress, rape starve and mutilate them.
But repeat after me racism does. not. exist.
I have given you the permission and leverage to commit these acts, I have manufactured a world that houses whites only while the others eat outside.
Please abide by my rules and remember kids racism does. not. exist.

image source

17 thoughts on “racist commandments

  1. Apt description of Limousine Liberals. Or rather undercover racists. Voted for Obama but still come to my museum workplace with insulting racist remarks or accusing African and Asian guards when all we are doing is enforcing the museums rules and regulations. Don’t even get me started on the rich wealthy white male with Jungle Fever. The elderly beast looked like a combination of the former NYC Mayor Ed Koch and chicken magnate Frank Perdue! Ugh! Keep using that “We” word. As the old back in the day song from the 70s says, “What do you mean We White man?”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I have been following the race tensions in the US for some time now, I find it interesting. I feel that Trump’s America was necessary, to expose undercover racism, white supremacy and oppression. It has made people angry enough and created dialogue and action. Mare the times are changing, I was in South Africa some three months back and the tension is rife, the South African blacks have found their voice to say Land First, black first, give back what you stole and how brave was it when Mugabe threw the racists out of his country. Some countries like Namibia are still behind but I feel that the Black Lives Matter struggle is bigger than just the US. The more black people speak and act against it, the more other blacks will wake up to realize that they need to stand up and be counted. The liberals it seems, like it when they are helping blacks as victims but have no idea how to handle them as real human beings/ equals who are demanding back their power. I loved this…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much for the feedback. Black Lives Matter definitely goes beyond the borders of the U.S. Racism has been planted so deep that some people don’t even realize they’re perpetuating a dangerous, hurtful system! We can only hope for more solidarity in exposing unjust practices.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I agree with you. I love what Mugabe did. We need more Africans leaders like Mugabe. We have to stand up against European imperialism. Black nationalists and Pan African need to unite and fight this wicked corrupt system. Whether it’s in Africa,Canada,America or the UK.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Our silence is costing us our very lives and we don’t seem to notice. I have no idea why people think that the looting and stealing is a thing of the past that ended so long ago. In Namibia Germans have built a lavish retirement community against the backdrop of poverty and youth who cannot even afford land in their own country. Segregation still happen, you will get the shock of your life when I tell you that back in 2010 – 2011 in Windhoek, I lived in an all white community while most of my black friends lived in the locations (they were trapped there, they went shopping there, socialized there, and had insignificant lives that basically ended there) they felt they had no access to the big malls, certain restaurants and certain neighborhoods. White people were always shocked when we did not accept their abuse, the Namibians said that they were still traumatized and the wounds were too painful. The neighbors once reported me for living in the neighborhood, said that they couldn’t imagine how I could afford it and that I must be in drugs or prostitution, they said I spoke too loud, I had people coming over all the time and wanted me to be kicked out of the complex. In Africa, not America. Thank God I came back home, it was too depressing. South Africa is mostly the same but better than Namibia, still this people will tell us to keep quiet and that racism does not exist. Its bigger than just covert racism, we are not complaining because our feelings are being hurt, we are complaining because we are dying and our land is being taken, our kids will have nothing, no legacy, no land, no dignity. And yes as much as we value the spirit of Ubuntu, we want respect back when we give it. Sorry for the rant.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. No apology needed! Thank you for sharing your testimony. It is true that we just want equal rights and access to good, nice , necessary things, but we’re not being heard. It’s not up to “others” to listen, but to leave us alone when we are trying to make our way + build something for ourselves.

          Again, thanks for sharing your experience.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. ” It’s not up to “others” to listen, but to leave us alone when we are trying to make our way + build something for ourselves.” So true, we want to be left alone to share our experiences, build ourselves up and go after what is ours. Just what is ours, what we have worked hard for and what in an equal society we would rightfully deserve. Just that, Kealeboga (thank you) for this means a lot.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Thank you for that! I didn’t know that. Don’t worry about ranting. It’s important to get that information out there. Black people live all around the world and we are sometimes disconnected. We have to share information so that others know we all face the same oppression. Thank you for that comment.

          Liked by 3 people

  3. “We will stand by and collect a check from the same people we oppress, but repeat after me racism does. not. exist.
    We will enroll them to fight our wars, build our nations and care for our children,
    We will slaughter, steal, oppress, rape starve and mutilate them.
    But repeat after me racism does. not. exist.
    I have given you the permission and leverage to commit these acts, I have manufactured a world that houses whites only while the others eat outside.
    Please abide by my rules and remember kids racism does. not. exist.”
    Very well said! Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

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