week 20|2017

  It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole. -Rupi Kaur ❤ (African Queen/Queen Charlotte artwork spied on pinterest)

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week 19|2017: Eureka!

Firstly, please check out Tremaine’s blog, simplesoulsister.com; she has the amazing knack to pack a punch in so few words that often resonate with me. Thank you, Tremaine. When we are truthful with ourselves about our selves, we hurt people less. -“Eureka!”by Tremaine L. Loadholt If you’ve ever read my blog, you probably know how I […]

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week 18|2017

12 Things to Always Remember by Vex King | bonvitastyle.com 1. The past cannot be changed 2. Opinions don’t define your reality 3. Everyone’s journey is different 4. Nearly all things get better with time 5. Judgements are a confession of character 6. Overthinking will lead to sadness 7. Happiness is found within 8. Positive […]

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